7 Super Survival Tips to Keep Business Owners, Business Leaders and your Team Rockin Hard – PLUS: How “Good Business” can make Dreams Happen…

Posted on 02/04/2018 at 5:12 am
By Paul Marshall

Operating your own business or managing a business can be a tough gig. I know many folks that have seriously considered giving up the dream and moving into other easier occupations. There can be some tough challenges along the pathway of dreams…or pathway it seems.

The answers to business challenges can many times be found outside your business or even a long way from your office all together.

If pressure in your business is starting to get to you and stress is uncomfortably increasing then the only way to keep on top of this is to keep turning up each day, keep delivering value but also schedule some time out to develop yourself. You will want to reflect on why you are thinking negative thoughts and what you need to learn, know or, who you need to meet to eliminate negative thoughts and sabotaging visions from becoming regular full-time tenants in your cognitive chambers.

So here are…

7 super survival tips to keep you beaming positive light in some of those dark corridors in which you may walking in……..


a BIG TEAR JERK at the end. 

1. Take passionate action towards living your life by design.

Talk is cheap. Action = deposits in the bank of a passionately authentic future. Without it, passion is void. You’re the only one who can make it happen. So begin with your mind, then with your hands. If the idea weakens or gets a bit tough – take some time out and get back to it later until you finish it.

2. Commit to yourself as well as those you love to create a life you can enjoy. 

Instead of reacting to negative situations through anger or discuss just take a deep breath and look for a humors side. If humor can’t be found then deal with the situation professionally and then let it go – No big deal. No humor and no fun then get out quick. Life is just too short to worry about trivial matters that don’t have any value. Be amazed as the transformation begins.

3. Recognize and embrace the thought that each moment is perfect regardless of its outcome.

Every time you hit on something that may appear too extreme, why not give it a shot and see if it will work. You will be surprised to see if there are other ways to achieve your preferred outcome. If you are not pleased with the outcome, decide to use that moment to learn from and make the appropriate shift needed to improve your game.  

4. Dwell completely in a place of gratitude and thankfulness.

Learn to utilise what you have in your hands and make use of it in the most constructive way and be content with what you already have. Slipping into neediness, conformity or worse “victim” mindset, will become less of a habit when you repeatedly shift towards gratitude, and away from poverty consciousness.

5. Use a Passion Formula of Recognize/Reevaluate/Restore in place of the Shoulda/Woulda/Coulda mental state.

The former is based in increased knowledge and abundance while the latter focuses on scarcity and lack. As you face people or tasks that may seem harder than astronaut training and permanent Mars deployment, allow yourself to realise that a task once begun – will provide you with a pathway and answers on how to complete it.

6. Keep humour at the forefront of thought, laughing at/and with yourself when possible.

You may find yourself quite entertaining when you loosen up! Life has so much to offer to allow you to not mope around in self-pity. Humor is very attractive, very passionate: life-giving. So, avoid becoming a victim from another’s problems and frustrations – whatever they may be. 

7. Loretta Breuning, PhD and founder of the Inner Mammal Institute says:

Negativity will engulf you unless you build yourself a positive circuit. To do that, spend one minute looking for positives, three times a day for forty five days”.

This trains your brain to look for positives the way it is already trained to look for negatives”.2 Good one Loretta – Love it!

It’s interesting how many people get wallowed up by something trivial or another person’s thoughts or negative views. So instead of subjecting yourself to what you will be doomed for – keep focused and tune in to the positive. Hey! here’s one coming up now so stay tuned in…  

Warning…Tear Jerk Moment Ahead…

I have a DREAM…Ten Year Old Girl told: She’ll Never Be a Pilot, But with Some Help – Anything is possible… 

Everyone has or at least did have big dreams. As children, we didn’t really understand limitations and why it may have been unrealistic in many households to see an astronaut on television and say “hey that’s what I want to be”. We all have something we want to become. For 10 year old Taylor, her dream was to become a pilot. 

Taylor has had this dream since she was only 4-years-old and when UPS heard about her passion, they wanted to do something very special for her and certainly didn’t fail to deliver. UPS sent her to UPS Worldport for a super exciting day of experiencing what her dream feels like and what a future in the skies could look like.

During the trip to the UPS Worldport and with her mother driving, Taylor has no idea what is about to happen. She asks her mother where they are going and her mother replies “That would have to do with your career; where would you like to go?” Taylor suspects that it may have something to do with planes but – has no idea of what’s install for her.

Check the clip out here:

Great Stuff UPS

How can your business make a dream come real?

About the Author:

Paul Marshall (FCPHR) is a HR Pro, corporate trainer, author and a welcomed and trusted business partner with commercial awareness and extensive expertise in people, performance and HR capabilities. With decades of Business and HR experience, the ability to value add fast to business objectives and Company growth strategies, Paul is a past winner of Small Business Development Corporation Award.

Author of:

103 Golden Tips to Turbo Charge your Business make More Money and Get Rich

103 Golden Tips to Turbo Charge your Employees Skyrocket Productivity and Get More Output

Thanks to:

1 Ashley Goldsmith. “What HR Leaders Can Do Today To Support Tomorrow’s Leaders”. 

https://www.forbes.com/sites/workday/2017/05/31/what-hr-leaders-can-do-today-to-support-tomorrows-leaders, accessed 30/07/2017

Loretta Breuning. “How to Train Your Brain to Go Positive Instead Of Negative.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/womensmedia/2016/12/21/how-to-train-your-brain-to-go-positive-instead-of-negative, accessed 31/07/2017.




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